Networking and Future Plans

Many of us within Play to Thrive often work alone or as the only therapist in an organisation. We have regular supervision where we can explore our clinical work and our personal thoughts that may affect our work, however at times our roles can feel quite isolated. Therefore, one of the roles of Play to Thrive, aside from providing a central location for accessing play based therapies, is to provide a network for therapists, whether this is for social reasons, for peer supervision and support, for self care, for sharing ideas, for spreading awareness and marketing, or for group training.

During the summer holidays, a group of us met up in the outdoors to chat, to ground, to share new knowledge and to look to the future. It was a beautiful evening - whilst walking through the woods, we saw both rabbits and deer, and really felt a connection with the environment.

We also spoke about returning to festivals and events. Pre-Covid, we attended many festivals, spreading awareness of play therapy and meeting brave families sharing their stories. We have only managed a couple of events since 2020, and really feel the loss of this core part of Play to Thrive. If you are aware of an event or festival that would welcome a stand exploring the benefits of play therapy, discussions about children's mental health, and a calm area for reflection during a busy day, please let us know, and keep your eyes out for us if visiting these events yourself!